Archives for February 28, 2012

REVIEW: The Drowning City by Amanda Downum

Tired of fantasy novels that all strike the same culture notes, revolve around a chosen one and his quest, and stretch laboriously across book after book? If so, I recommend you check out Amanda Downum’s The Drowning City.

The Importance Of Faith As An Element In Realistic SFF Worldbuilding

It’s a topic that comes around time and again: Religion and Science Fiction. While some argue the two are antithetical, others, even Atheists, strongly disagree. SFSignal had such a case in their Mind Meld on the subject in which such known Agnostics and Atheists as Mike Resnick, Ben Bova, Michael A. Burstein and L.E. Modessit, Jr. argue that the two are not antithetical.